Holistic On-Farm Assessments

  1. Farm/ranch (operation) name(s)

  2. Full name(s) of operation owner(s)

  3. Email address

  4. Phone number

  5. Personal bio of operation owner(s) (150 words maximum)
    Tell us a little about yourself and/or operation, such as why you farm, what your favorite thing about farming is, or your farming story/connection.

  6. Share link(s) to your social media

    1. Website [url]

    2. Facebook [link]

    3. Instagram [handle]

  7. Where is your operation located?
    Your exact address will remain private.

  8. What is the local or traditional name of the region where you farm?

  9. For how many years has the owner operated this farm/ranch?

    1. 0-2

    2. 3-5

    3. 6-10

    4. 11-20

    5. 20+

  10. Is the farm/ranch women-owned? [At least 51% of the operation is owned by women]

    1. Yes

    2. No

  11. Is the farm/ranch veteran-owned?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  12. Does the farm/ranch owner(s) belong to or identify with any of the following? 

    1. American Indians, Alaskan Natives, Indigenous

    2. Asian

    3. Black or African American

    4. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

    5. Latin American

    6. Indigenous Latin American

  13. How many acres is your operation?

    Your exact acreage will never be displayed. Questions that follow will ask for the number or percent of acres on which you perform certain practices. We ask for your total acreage to most accurately represent your operation through the RegenScore. and simplify acreage reporting by practice. Alternatively, you may report your acreage as a range. Regardless, the number of acres should reflect the amount of acreage in the operation you are currently onboarding.

    1. I will report my total acreage: ________

    2. I prefer to report my acreage as a range:
      [slider select: 1-5, 5-20, 50-100, 100-500, 500-1000, 1000-5000, 5000 – 10,000, 10,000 – 50,000, 50,000+]

  14. How much of each system is in your operation?

    1. Cropland (row and field)

    2. Orchard

    3. Vineyard

    4. Rangeland

    5. Pasture

    6. Alley-cropping (agroforestry)

    7. Silvopasture (agroforestry)

    8. Native Habitat

  15. Do you hire workers?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. I have an intern or apprentice program

  16. Which of the following do you do to promote employee welfare?

    1. Pay a Living wage [https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/06/locations]

    2. Allow workers to organize [your employees are not prevented to bargain collectively with their employers]

    3. Private way to voice concerns

    4. Sufficient breaks and time off (e.g. holidays, personal time off)

    5. Workers hired as employees with benefits

    6. Workers hired as seasonal employees

    7. Official timekeeping/payroll system

    8. Provide adequate shade structures

    9. Offer health care coverage and/or pension plans

    10. No night shifts or extra pay for night-shift

    11. Offer bonuses and/or profit sharing options

    12. Equal opportunity hiring

    13. Community garden or free food for crew

    14. Harvest/end of year parties

    15. Farm/Ranch Worker Housing

    16. Educational training on farming/ranching

  17. On average, how long have your employees been working for you? (You may include those returning for seasonal labor)

    1. Under 1 year

    2. 1 – 2 years

    3. 3 – 5 years

    4. 5 – 10 years

    5. 10+ years


  1. What do you produce for sale?

    1. Meats (carcass/butchered)

    2. Live animals

    3. Dairy 

    4. Eggs

    5. Vegetables/fruits/legumes

    6. Grains/cereals

    7. Tree nuts

    8. Honey

    9. Plant fibers

    10. Animal fibers

    11. Wine

    12. Value-added items (such as cheese, oil, jams, cured meats, flours, etc.)

  2. How do you sell your products? [indicate percentage of sales in each category]

  1. I aggregate others product with my product and put my label on it.

  2. Direct to Consumer (includes farmers markets, CSAs, farm/ranch website, on-farm sales)

  3. Retail (direct to store/butcher, direct to online grocer/seller/wool-aggregator)

  4. Consumer Packaged Goods (includes processors and manufacturers) 

  5. Restaurants (includes chefs)

  6. Distributors

  7. Foodservice (direct delivery, not via distributor)

  8. Livestock auction (only select this if a large portion >25% of your product typically goes to auction)

  1. Which certification(s) do you have?

    1. American Grassfed Certified

    2. Animal Welfare Approved (AGW)

    3. Audubon Bird Friendly

    4. Bee Friendly Farming

    5. California Sustainable Winegrowing Program

    6. Certified Biodynamic (Demeter) on Farm

    7. Certified Biodynamic (Demeter) Processor

    8. Certified Humane Raised and Handled

    9. Certified Naturally Grown

    10. EFI (Equitable Food Initiative) Responsibly Grown. Farmworker Assured.

    11. Ecological Outcomes Verification (EOV)

    12. Fair for Life (fair trade)

    13. FairTrade Certified

    14. Food Alliance Certified

    15. Food Justice Certification (Agricultural Justice Project)

    16. Global Animal Partnership

    17. Homegrown by Heroes (Farmer Veteran Coalition)

    18. IMI Global Born and Raised in the USA Naturally Grown Animals

    19. Kosher

    20. Napa Green 

    21. Regenerative Organic Certified 

    22. Real Organic

    23. Salmon Safe

    24. USDA Organic (e.g. CCOF)

    25. Xerces Bee Better Certified 

    26. None

    27. Other → specify

  2. Which health and safety certification(s) do you have? 

    1. (GAP) Good Agricultural Practices Food Safety

    2. Other → specify

    3. None

  3. Which of the following farm management plans do you have? 

    1. Conservation Plan

    2. Carbon Farm Plan

    3. Nutrient Management Plan

    4. Integrated Pest Management Plan

    5. Irrigation Water Management Plan

    6. Habitat Plan

    7. Organic Systems Plan

    8. Holistic/Whole Farm Plan

    9. Holistic Grazing Plan

    10. Other

    11. None

    12. On a waiting list

  4. Which organization or technical assistance provider (TAP) did you develop the plan with?

  5. Provide the name and contact information for the TAP or consultant that you worked with.

    1. Name [short answer]

    2. Email [valid email]

    3. Phone [short answer]

  • I give RegenScore permission to reach out to the listed TAP/consultant to verify plan development.


  1. Are you a participant or involved with any of the following hubs/networks?

    1. Fibershed

    2. North Coast Soil Health Hub

    3. California Farm Academy

    4. Agriculture & Land-Based Training Association (ALBA)

    5. Kiss the Ground Farmland Program

    6. Savory Hub

    7. Holistic Management International

    8. Point Blue: Rangeland Monitoring Network

    9. Carbon Farming Network and Hubs

    10. OpenTeam (currently don’t have NorCal hub)

    11. Conservation Agriculture Cropping Systems Innovation (CASI)

    12. Farmer Veterans Coalition

    13. Capay Valley Farmshop

    14. FEED Sonoma

    15. Rancher to Rancher (attended)

    16. Mushroom Farm

    17. Food Commons Fresno

    18. OAEC (Occidental Arts and Ecology Center)

    19. Western Growers

    20. Sustainable Conservation

    21. National Young Farmers

    22. RCD

    23. Other networks

  2. Are you interested in any of the following?

    1. Accessing equipment sharing

    2. Offering equipment sharing

    3. Accessing mentorship

    4. Offering mentorship

    5. Accessing grants

    6. Guaranteed Contracts

    7. Offering farm tours

  1. What are you doing to reduce disturbance? 

    1. We do not till ever

    2. We use strip-till or zone till

    3. We use a disk

    4. We use a cultivator

    5. We use a more shallow tillage

      1. Depth of Tillage

        1. 0-2″

        2. 2-6″

        3. 6-12″

        4. 12-18″

    6. We use less frequent tillage

      1. Number of passes/year

        1. 1-2

        2. 3-5

        3. 5+

    7. We maintain residue cover after tillage

      1. How much?

        1. <15%

        2. 15-30%

        3. 30-50%

        4. 50%+

  2. What are you doing to reduce inputs?

    1. We reduce pesticide use

      1. Describe your pest management

        1. Broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Only use with moderate to high risk of outbreak

        4. IPM 

        5. No neonics

        6. Organic approved only

    2. We reduce herbicide use

      1. Describe weed management

        1. Broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. Crop Rotations

        5. Surface Mulches

        6. Animal Grazing

    3. We reduce fungicide use

      1. Describe

        1. Flaming

        2. Mowing

        3. Hand weeding / raking

        4. No glyphosate

    4. We reduce fumigation

    5. Other

  3. What are you doing to increase soil cover?

    1. Cover cropping

      1. How many species?

        1. 1

        2. 2-3

        3. 4-5

        4. 5-10

        5. 10+

      2. How are you planting?

        1. Drill

        2. No-till drill

        3. Broadcast

        4. Air-apply

        5. By Hand

      3. How are you terminating?

        1. Herbicides

        2. Roller-crimper

        3. Mower

        4. Grazing

        5. Tillage

    2. Intercropping

    3. Surface Mulches

      1. How much of the surface is covered?

        1. <25% cover

        2. 25-50% cover

        3. 50-75% cover

        4. 75-100% cover

    4. We keep green plants growing longer

      1. How many months per year?

        1. <4 months

        2. 4-6 months

        3. 6-8 months

        4. 9-11 months

        5. Year round

    5. Planting more perennials / Agroforestry / Silviculture

    6. Multi-story cropping

    7. Other

  4. What are you doing to improve nutrient management?

    1. We use soil testing

    2. We use broadcast application

    3. We use Variable Rate Application

    4. We apply nutrients at root zone (i.e. in bands)

    5. We apply fertility with our precision irrigation system

    6. We apply granular fertilizer

    7. We use compost/manure

      1. What % of your nutrient management plan?

        1. 25% of nutrients

        2. 50%

        3. 75%

        4. 100%

        5. We make on site

      2. For what acreage?

      3. How many tons/acre?

      4. What is the source?

        1. Animal (raw)

        2. Animal (composted)

        3. Green waste

        4. Biosolids

        5. Certified Organic

      5. Do you make your compost on-site?

        1. Yes

        2. No

    8. We do NOT use Anhydrous Ammonium

    9. We avoid applying nutrients before rain/wind

    10. We retain/use post-harvest materials

      1. How do you integrate?

        1. Burn

        2. Compost

        3. Leave as residue

        4. Feed livestock

    11. Other

  5. What are you doing to promote biodiversity?

    1. We use crop rotations

      1. Please list your crop rotation

        1. Year 1

        2. Year 2

        3. Year 3

        4. Year 4

        5. Year 5…

    2. We monitor our fields for insect/pest levels

      1. How frequently?

        1. Weekly

        2. Every 2 Weeks

        3. Monthly

        4. Other

    3. We release beneficial insects on our farm

      1. What type?

        1. Dung Beetles

        2. Ladybird

        3. Praying Mantis

        4. Other

    4. We maintain vegetated field edges (Filter/buffer strips/hedgerows/windbreaks)

      1. Across what percentage of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    5. We maintain vegetated waterways (Riparian buffers/grassed waterways)

      1. Along what percentage of your waterways?

        1. <25% of waterways

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    6. We plant Pollinator Strips

    7. We integrate Livestock

      1. How much residue remains after grazing?

      2. 0-15%

      3. 15-30%

      4. 30%+ Days/year?

    8. We use bee boxes

      1. When are they used?

        1. For pollination only

        2. Year-Round

    9. We use Owl boxes and/or raptor perches

    10. Other

  6. What are you doing to improve water use efficiency?

    1. We use Irrigation Scheduling

    2. We use Moisture Sensors

    3. We use time of use electrical programs

    4. We use solar to power pumps

    5. We have Subsurface Drip Irrigation

    6. We use Deficit Irrigation

      1. How much do you irrigate per year?

        1. <12 in

        2. 12 – 23.9 in

        3. 24 – 35.9 in

        4. >36 in

    7. Dry Farming

    8. We have irrigation return systems

    9. We use Surface Mulches

    10. We maintain Bioswales

    11. Other

  1. What are you doing to reduce disturbance in your alleys (space between trees)? 

  1. We do not till ever

  2. We use strip-till or zone till

  3. We use a disk

  4. We use a cultivator 

  5. We use shallower tillage

    1. Depth of Tillage

      1. 0-2″

      2. 2-6″

      3. 6-12″

      4. 12-18″

  6. We use less frequent tillage

    1. Number of passes/year

      1. 1-2

      2. 3-5

      3. 5+

  7. We maintain residue cover after tillage

    1. How much?

      1. <15%

      2. 15-30%

      3. 30-50%

      4. 50%+

  8. We only till when we are transitioning an orchard

    1. How much?

      1. <15%

      2. 15-30%

      3. 30-50%

      4. 50%+

  1. What are you doing to increase soil cover?

    1. Cover cropping

      1. How many species?

        1. 1

        2. 2-3

        3. 4-5

        4. 5-10

        5. 10+

      2. How are you planting?

        1. Drill

        2. No-till drill

        3. Broadcast

        4. Air-apply

        5. By Hand

      3. How are you terminating?

        1. Herbicides

        2. Roller-crimper

        3. Mower

        4. Grazing

        5. Tillage

    2. Intercropping

    3. Surface Mulches

      1. How much of the surface is covered?

        1. <25% cover

        2. 25-50% cover

        3. 50-75% cover

        4. 75-100% cover

    4. We keep green plants growing longer

      1. How many months per year?

        1. <4 months

        2. 4-6 months

        3. 6-8 months

        4. 9-11 months

        5. Year round

    5. Planting more perennials / Agroforestry / Silviculture

    6. Multi-story cropping

    7. Other

  2. What are you doing to improve nutrient management?

    1. We use soil testing

    2. We use Variable Rate Application

    3. We apply nutrients at root zone (i.e. in bands)

    4. We apply fertility with our precision irrigation system

    5. We apply granular fertilizer

    6. We use compost/manure

      1. What % of your nutrient management plan?

        1. 25% of nutrients

        2. 50%

        3. 75%

        4. 100%

        5. We make on site

      2. For what acreage?

      3. How many tons/acre?

      4. What is the source?

        1. Animal (raw)

        2. Animal (composted)

        3. Green waste

        4. Biosolids

        5. Certified Organic

      5. Do you make your compost on-site?

        1. Yes

        2. No

    7. We do NOT use Anhydrous Ammonium

    8. We avoid applying nutrients before rain/wind

    9. We retain/use post-harvest materials

      1. How do you integrate?

        1. Burn

        2. Compost

        3. Leave as residue

        4. Feed livestock

    10. Other

  3. What are you doing to reduce inputs?

    1. We reduce pesticide use

      1. Describe your pest management

        1. Broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Only use with moderate to high risk of outbreak

        4. IPM 

        5. No neonics

        6. Organic approved only

    2. We reduce herbicide use

      1. Describe weed management

        1. Broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. Crop Rotations

        5. Surface Mulches

        6. Animal Grazing

    3. We reduce fungicide use

      1. Describe

        1. Flaming

        2. Mowing

        3. Hand weeding / raking

        4. No glyphosate

    4. We reduce fumigation

    5. Other

  4. What are you doing to promote biodiversity?

    1. We monitor our fields for insect/pest levels

      1. How frequently?

        1. Weekly

        2. Every 2 Weeks

        3. Monthly

        4. Other

    2. We release beneficial insects on our farm

      1. What type?

        1. Dung Beetles

        2. Ladybird

        3. Praying Mantis

        4. Other

    3. We maintain vegetated field edges (Filter/buffer strips/hedgerows/windbreaks)

      1. Across what percentage of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    4. We maintain vegetated waterways (Riparian buffers/grassed waterways)

      1. Along what percentage of your waterways?

        1. <25% of waterways

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    5. We plant Pollinator Strips

    6. We integrate Livestock

      1. How much residue remains after grazing?

      2. 0-15%

      3. 15-30%

      4. 30%+ Days/year?

    7. We use bee boxes

      1. When are they used?

        1. For pollination only

        2. Year-Round

    8. We use Owl boxes and/or raptor perches

    9. Other

  5. What are you doing to improve water use efficiency?

    1. We use Irrigation Scheduling

    2. We use Moisture Sensors

    3. We use time of use electrical programs

    4. We use solar to power pumps

    5. We have Subsurface Drip Irrigation

    6. We use Deficit Irrigation

      1. How much do you irrigate per year?

        1. <12 in

        2. 12 – 23.9 in

        3. 24 – 35.9 in

        4. >36 in

    7. Dry Farming

    8. We have irrigation return systems

    9. We use Surface Mulches

    10. We maintain Bioswales

    11. We use Pressure Bombs

    12. Other


  1. What kind(s) of grapes do you grow?

    1. Cabernet Sauvignon

    2. Merlot

    3. Cabernet Franc

    4. Petit Verdot

    5. Malbec

    6. Carmenere

    7. Sauvignon Blanc

    8. Semillon

    9. Muscadelle

    10. Sauvignon Gris

    11. Syrah

    12. Grenache

    13. Mourvedre

    14. Roussanne

    15. Marsanne

    16. Viognier

    17. Chardonnay

    18. Pinot Noir

    19. Petite Sirah

    20. Zinfandel

    21. Other

  2. What are you doing to reduce disturbance while managing your alleys (space between vines)?

    1. We do not till ever

    2. We use strip-till or zone till

      1. To what depth do you till? 

        1. 0-2″

        2. 2-6” 

        3. 6-12” 

        4. 12-18″ 

    3. We use a disk

    4. We use a cultivator 

    5. We use shallower tillage

      1. To what depth do you till? 

        1. 0-2″

        2. 2-6” 

        3. 6-12” 

        4. 12-18″ 

    6. We use less frequent tillage 

      1. How many passes per year?

        1. 1-2

        2. 2-3 

        3. 3-5 

        4. 5-10 

    7. We use reduced disturbance equipment

      1. Which types? [select all that apply]

        1. Roller Crimper

        2. No-till Drill

        3. Mower

        4. Animals

        5. Other

    8. We maintain residue cover after tillage

      1. How much remains?

        1. <15%

        2. 15-30%

        3. 30-50%

        4. 50%+

    9. Other

  3. What are you doing to increase cover?

    1. Cover cropping

      1. How are you planting?

        1. Drill

        2. No-till drill

        3. Broadcast 

        4. Air-apply

        5. By hand

      2. How are you terminating?

        1. Herbicides 

        2. Roller-crimper

        3. Mower 

        4. Grazing

        5. Tillage 

    2. Multi-species cover cropping

      1. How many species?

        1. 2-3 

        2. 4-5 

        3. 5-10 

        4. 10+ 

      2. How are you planting?

        1. Drill 

        2. No-till drill 

        3. Broadcast 

        4. Air-apply 

        5. By hand

      3. How are you terminating?

        1. Herbicides 

        2. Roller-crimper 

        3. Mower 

        4. Grazing 

        5. Tillage 

    3. Intercropping

    4. Surface Mulches

      1. How much of the surface is covered?

        1. <25% cover 

        2. 25-50% cover 

        3. 50-75% cover 

        4. 75-100% cover

    5. More days in vegetative cover (living, green plant)

      1. How many months per year?

        1. <4 months 

        2. 4-6 months 

        3. 6-8 months 

        4. 9-11 months 

        5. Year round 

    6. Incorporating more perennials

    7. Multi-story cropping

    8. Other

  4. What are you doing to improve nutrient management?

    1. We use Soil testing

    2. We use variable rate applications

    3. We apply fertility at the root zone (i.e. in bands)

    4. We apply fertility with our precision irrigation system

    5. We apply granular fertilizer

    6. We use compost

      1. What percent of your nutrient plan is carbon-based?

        1. 25% of nutrients

        2. 50%

        3. 75%

        4. 100%

      2. What is the source?

        1. Animal (raw)

        2. Animal (compost)

        3. Green waste

        4. Biosolids

        5. Certified organic

        6. Make on site

        7. Unknown

    7. We do NOT use Anhydrous Ammonium

    8. We retain/use post-harvest materials

      1. How do you integrate?

        1. Burn

        2. Compost

        3. Leave as residue

        4. Incorporate (tillage)

        5. Feed livestock

    9. Other

  5. What are you doing to reduce inputs?

    1. We reduce pesticide use 

      1. Describe your pest management. 

        1. Broadcast (preventative)

        2. Spot-treat (prescriptive)

        3. Only with risk of outbreak

        4. Integrated Pest Management

        5. No neonicotinoids 

        6. Organic approved only 

    2. We reduce herbicide use 

      1. Describe your weed management. 

        1. Broadcast (preventative)

        2. Spot-treat (prescriptive)

        3. Crop Rotations

        4. Surface Mulches

        5. Organic approved only 

        6. Animal Grazing

        7. Flaming

        8. Mowing

        9. Handweeding/waking

        10. No glyphosate

    3. We reduce fungicide use

      1. Describe your pathogen management. 

        1. Broad (preventative)

        2. Spot-treat (prescriptive)

        3. Crop Rotations

        4. Organic approved only 

        5. Flaming

        6. Mowing

    4. We reduce fumigation

    5. Other

  6. What are you doing to promote biodiversity?

    1. We monitor our fields for insect/pest levels 

    2. We release beneficial insects on our farm

    3. We have Filter/buffer Strips

      1. Across how much of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    4. We have Hedgerows/windbreak

      1. Across how much of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    5. We maintain Riparian Buffers

      1. Along what percent of your waterways?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    6. We maintain Grassed waterways

      1. Along what percent of your waterways?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    7. We plant Pollinator Strips

    8. We Integrate Livestock

      1. How much residue remains after grazing?

        1. 0-15%

        2. 15-30%

        3. 30%+

    9. We use bee boxes

    10. We use Owl boxes and/or raptor perches

    11. Other

  7. What are you doing to improve water use efficiency?

    1. We use Irrigation Scheduling

    2. We use Moisture Sensors

    3. We have Subsurface Drip Irrigation

    4. We use Deficit Irrigation

      1. How much do you irrigate per year?

        1. <12 in

        2. 12 – 23.9 in

        3. 24 – 35.9 in

        4. >36 in

    5. Dry Farming

    6. We have tile drains

    7. We have irrigation return systems

    8. We use Surface Mulches

    9. We maintain Bioswales

    10. We use pressure bombs

    11. Other

  1. Describe your animal classes.

    1. Stockers

    2. Cow/Calf

    3. Cows Milking

    4. Sheep/lamb

    5. Sheep Milking

    6. Goats

    7. Goat Milking

    8. Pig

    9. Chicken

    10. Turkey

    11. Duck

    12. Other

  2. Is your operation year-long or season-long?

    1. Year-long

    2. Season-long

  3. Are your animals born and raised in the USA?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  4. What are you doing to reduce disturbance?

    1. We use set stock grazing 

    2. We use prescribed/rotational grazing/adaptive multi-paddock grazing 

      1. How many paddocks do you rotate through? 

        1. 1-2, 

        2. 3-4, 

        3. 5+

      2. What is the size range of your paddocks?

    3. We use multiple species rotation through same paddocks (i.e. cattle followed by sheep) 

    4. We exclude livestock form sensitive areas

      1. Describe which areas:

        1. Riparian Areas and ponds

        2. Wet fields

        3. Nesting/Birding/Breeding Areas

    5. We manage more than one herd

    6. Other → describe

  1. What are you doing to increase soil cover?

    1. We maintain surface mulches

      1. How much of the surface is covered?

        1. <25% cover

        2. 25-50% cover

        3. 50-75% cover

        4. 75-100% cover

    2. We keep green plants growing longer

      1. How many months per year?

        1. <4 months

        2. 4-6 months

        3. 6-8 months

        4. 9-11 months

        5. Year round

    3. We integrate trees into our pasture (silvopasture)

    4. We maintain adequate vegetation by the start of a new growing season

    5. Other → describe

  2. What are you doing to improve nutrient management?

    1. We use compost

      1. What % of your nutrient management plan?

        1. 25% of nutrients

        2. 50%

        3. 75%

        4. 100%

      2. What is the source? 

        1. Animal: raw)

        2. Animal: composted

        3. Green waste

        4. Biosolids

        5. Certified Organic

        6. Make on site

        7. Other

  3. What are you doing to reduce inputs?

    1. We reduce pesticide use 

      1. Describe your pest management

        1. Use pesticides preventatively/broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. No neonicotinoids

        5. Plant repellent intercrops

        6. Timing/duration/density of grazing

        7. Use robust IPM

        8. No pesticide use

    2. We reduce herbicide use

      1. Describe weed management

        1. Use herbicides preventatively/broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. Prescribed fire/patch burning

        5. Timing/duration/density of grazing

        6. Range Seeding

        7. Other → describe; i.e. mowing

  4. How else are you promoting biodiversity?

    1. We seed our ranges

    2. We promote diverse vegetation

      1. How many wildlife friendly species

        1. 1-2

        2. 2-3

        3. >3

        4. grasses only

        5. legumes

        6. forbes

        7. none

    3. We monitor our paddocks for insect/pest levels 

      1. How frequently?

        1. Weekly

        2. Every 2 Weeks

        3. Monthly

        4. Other

    4. We release beneficial insects on our ranch

      1. What type(s)? 

        1. Dung Beetles 

        2. Ladybird 

        3. Praying Mantis

        4. Other → Describe

    5. We have Hedgerows/windbreaks

      1. Across how much of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

        5. Other: within field [total/% acres]

    6. We maintain Riparian Buffers

      1. Along how much of your waterways?

        1. <25% of waterways

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    7. We promote oak regeneration

      1. Which of the following:

      2. Protected seedings

      3. Defer grazing

      4. Wire protection

      5. Other → Describe

    8. We practice proactive fire management

      1. Which of the following:

        1. Prescribed fire

        2. Grazing for fire

        3. Brush management

        4. Fire breaks

        5. Green-stripping

        6. Other → Describe


  1. Describe your animal classes.

    1. Stockers

    2. Cow/Calf

    3. Cows Milking

    4. Sheep/lamb

    5. Sheep Milking

    6. Goats

    7. Goat Milking

    8. Pig

    9. Chicken

    10. Turkey

    11. Duck

    12. Other

  2. Is your operation year-long or season-long?

    1. Year-long

    2. Season-long

  3. Are your animals born and raised in the USA?

    1. Yes

    2. No

  4. What are you doing to reduce disturbance?

    1. We use set stock grazing

    2. We use prescribed/rotational grazing/adaptive multi-paddock grazing

      1. How many paddocks do you rotate through? 

        1. 1-2, 

        2. 3-4, 

        3. 5+

      2. What is the size range of your paddocks?

    3. We exclude livestock form sensitive areas 

      1. Describe which areas:

        1. Riparian Areas and ponds

        2. Wet fields

        3. Nesting/Birding/Breeding Areas

    4. We manage more than one herd

    5. Other → describe

  5. What are you doing to increase soil cover?

    1. We maintain surface mulches

      1. How much of the surface is covered?

        1. <25% cover

        2. 25-50% cover

        3. 50-75% cover

        4. 75-100% cover

    2. We keep green plants growing longer

      1. How many months per year?

        1. <4 months

        2. 4-6 months

        3. 6-8 months

        4. 9-11 months

        5. Year round

    3. We integrate trees into our pasture (silvopasture)

    4. We maintain adequate vegetation by the start of a new growing season

    5. Other → describe

  6. What are you doing to improve nutrient management?

    1. We use Soil testing

    2. We use Variable Rate Application

    3. We apply fertility with our precision irrigation system

    4. We inoculate legume seeds

    5. We apply granular fertilizer

    6. We use compost

      1. What % of your nutrient management plan?

        1. 25% of nutrients

        2. 50%

        3. 75%

        4. 100%

      2. What is the source?

        1. Animal: raw)

        2. Animal: composted

        3. Green waste

        4. Biosolids

        5. Certified Organic

        6. Make on site

        7. Unknown → provide the company you source from

    7. We use Anhydrous Ammonium

    8. Other → describe

  7. What are you doing to reduce inputs?

    1. We reduce pesticide use 

      1. Describe your pest management

        1. Use pesticides preventatively/broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. No neonicotinoids

        5. Plant repellent intercrops

        6. Timing/duration/density of grazing

        7. Use robust IPM

        8. No pesticide use

    2. We reduce herbicide use

      1. Describe weed management

        1. Use herbicides preventatively/broadcast

        2. Spot treatment only

        3. Organic approved only

        4. Prescribed fire/patch burning

        5. Timing/duration/density of grazing

        6. Other → describe

  8. How else are you promoting biodiversity?

    1. We seed our pastures

    2. We promote diverse pasture vegetation

      1. How many wildlife friendly species

        1. 1-2 (previous answer says 1-3)

        2. 2-3

        3. >3

        4. Grasses only

        5. Legumes

        6. Forbs

    3. We monitor our paddocks for insect/pest levels 

      1. How frequently?

        1. Weekly

        2. Every 2 Weeks

        3. Monthly

        4. Other

    4. We release beneficial insects on our ranch

      1. What types: 

        1. dung beetles 

        2. ladybird 

        3. praying mantis

    5. We have Hedgerows/windbreaks 

      1. Across how much of your field edges?

        1. <25% of field edges

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

        5. Other: within field [total/% acres]

    6. We maintain Riparian Buffers

      1. Along how much of your waterways?

        1. <25% of waterways

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    7. We maintain Grassed waterways

      1. Along how much of your waterways?

        1. <25% of waterways

        2. 25-50%

        3. 50-75%

        4. 75%+

    8. We promote oak regeneration

      1. Which of the following: 

        1. protected seedings, 

        2. defer grazing 

        3. wire protection

        4. Other → describe

    9. We practice proactive fire management 

      1. Which of the following:

        1. Prescribed fire

        2. Grazing for fire

        3. Brush management

        4. Fire breaks

        5. Green-stripping

        6. Other → describe

  9. What are you doing to improve water use efficiency?

    1. We use Irrigation Scheduling

    2. We use Moisture Sensors

    3. We use time of use electrical programs

    4. We use solar to power pumps

    5. We use irrigation water management

      1. Which of the following do you consider?

      2. Infiltration

      3. evapotranspiration

    6. We have Subsurface Drip Irrigation

    7. We have irrigation return systems

    8. Other → describe


  1. Which of the following are you monitoring on-farm? (i.e. soil tests, water tests, etc.)

    1. Soil Health

    2. Crop Health

    3. Air Quality

    4. Water Quality

    5. Biodiversity

    6. Worker Welfare

    7. None of the above

  1. What are you measuring to monitor soil/crop health?

    1. Soil Carbon

    2. Bulk Density

    3. Surface Hardness

    4. Active/Available Carbon

    5. Soil Nutrient Analysis (N, P, K)

    6. Soil Nutrient Analysis (secondary/micronutrients)

    7. Soil Nitrate

    8. pH

    9. EC

    10. Haney Test

    11. NRCS In-field Assessment

  1. What are you measuring to monitor air quality?

    1. GHG emissions (model based)

    2. GHG emissions (field measurements)

    3. Soil respiration

    4. Fertilizer Use

    5. Pesticide Use

    6. Diesel Use

    7. Soil Carbon

    8. Bulk Density

  1. What are you measuring to monitor water quality?

    1. Aggregate Stability

    2. Infiltration Rate

    3. Soluble Nitrogen (in water)

    4. Soluble Phosphorus (in water)

    5. Conductivity/Salinity

    6. CDOM/FDOM

    7. Turbidity (of water)/TSS

    8. Dissolved Oxygen

    9. pH/KH

    10. Water Use

    11. Soil Carbon

    12. Bulk Density

  1. What are you measuring to monitor biodiversity?

    1. Vegetation Monitoring

    2. Crop Nutrient Density

    3. Soil Microbial Analysis

    4. Bee Counts

    5. Bird Counts

    6. Arthopod Counts

    7. Pesticide Risk Tool

  1. What are you doing to promote worker welfare?

    1. Pay a Living wage [https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/06/locations]

    2. Allow workers to organize [your employees are not prevented to bargain collectively with their employers]

    3. Private way to voice concerns

    4. Sufficient breaks and time off (e.g. holidays, personal time off)

    5. Workers hired as employees with benefits

    6. Workers hired as seasonal employees

    7. Official timekeeping/payroll system

    8. Provide adequate shade structures

    9. Offer health care coverage and/or pension plans

    10. No night shifts or extra pay for night-shift

    11. Offer bonuses and/or profit sharing options

    12. Equal opportunity hiring

    13. Community garden or free food for crew

    14. Harvest/end of year parties

    15. Farm/Ranch Worker Housing

    16. Educational training on farming/ranching

    17. Other

  1. Do you use a crop consultant/TAP/partner biologist to collect samples/conduct monitoring?

    1. Yes 

    2. No

  2. Do you use a crop consultant/TAP/partner biologist to help interpret results?

    1. Yes 

    2. No

For all of the above: if selected, prompt user to indicate 1) what method of analysis 2) what lab they send to, 3) how many acres monitored? 4) how many samples they collect per acre, and 5) how frequently they test –> for soil tests also 6) what depths do you sample?

In-Field Soil Health Assessment

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